May 16 Announcement

May 16 Announcement

Sabbath Worship 5/9, 16 Sat 11am We will join It Is Written Prophecy Seminar “Hope Awaken” for the following 2 Sabbath Wor- ship(May 9 and 16)  Online Prophecy Seminar – Ancient predictions speak to the future of the world 4/17 Fri 7pm ~5/16

May 16, 2020May 16, 2020by
May 9 Announcement

May 9 Announcement

Sabbath Worship 5/9, 16 Sat 11am We will join It Is Written Prophecy Seminar “Hope Awaken” for the following 2 Sabbath Wor- ship(May 9 and 16) Online Prophecy Seminar – Ancient predictions speak to the future of the world 4/17 Fri 7pm ~5/16

May 8, 2020May 8, 2020by
May 2 Announcement

May 2 Announcement

Online Prophecy Seminar – Ancient predictions speak to the future of the world 4/17 Fri 7pm ~5/16 ALL NATIONS COVID-19 CONTINGENCY PLAN CURRENT STATUS: STAGE 3 March 17-Until further notice Church worship services are moved completely online with the website : Adult Sabbath Schools will be moved to online platforms Zoom(We will keep you posted as...

May 2, 2020May 2, 2020by
April 25 Announcement

April 25 Announcement

Online Prophecy Seminar – Ancient predictions speak to the future of the world 4/17 Fri 7pm ~5/16 ALL NATIONS COVID-19 CONTINGENCY PLAN CURRENT STATUS: STAGE 3 March 17-May 4, 2020 Church worship services are moved completely online with the website : Adult Sabbath Schools will be moved to online platforms Zoom(We will keep you posted as...

April 25, 2020April 25, 2020by
April 18 Announcement

April 18 Announcement

Online Prophecy Seminar – Ancient predictions speak to the future of the world 4/17 Fri 7pm ~5/16 ALL NATIONS COVID-19 CONTINGENCY PLAN CURRENT STATUS: STAGE 3 March 17-May 4, 2020 Church worship services are moved completely online with the website : Adult Sabbath Schools will be moved to online platforms Zoom(We will keep you posted...

April 18, 2020April 18, 2020by
Hope Awakens

Hope Awakens

The meetings will start this Friday, April 17, and will end on Saturday, May 16.  The meeting nights are Friday, Saturday, Tuesday, and Wednesday.  The times are 4:00 p.m. PST, 7:00 p.m. PST, and 10:00 p.m. PST.  Starting on Sabbath, May 2 (after John has presented the Sabbath message), we will also include a Sabbath...

April 16, 2020April 16, 2020by
Virtual Choir – It is well

Virtual Choir – It is well

This is music for this week virtual choir. Please practice and record your music. And send it If you have any question, please contact Simon Suh (909) 747-2515‬ Soprano : download Alto : download Tenor : download Bass : download

April 15, 2020April 15, 2020by
April 11 Announcement

April 11 Announcement

Download All Nations Bulletin PDF CURRENT STATUS: STAGE 3 March 17-May 4, 2020 Church worship services are moved completely online with the website : Adult Sabbath Schools will be moved to online platforms Zoom(We will keep you posted as to further information Livestream Worship Service “Sabbath 11:00AM” Sabbath School Lesson “Sabbath 10:00AM

April 11, 2020April 11, 2020by