The California Department of Public Health (CDPH) and some local counties have already lifted the “Stay-at- home” orders and are allowing our churches to be reopened. The CDPH Guidelines are to be implemented in accordance with approval set forth by local county public health agencies across California. Please review and develop your re-opening plans for...
Category: <span>Uncategorized</span>
6/27 Announcement
June 20 Announcement
June 13 Announcement
June 6 Announcement
May 30, Announcement
May 23, Announcement
May 16 Announcement
Sabbath Worship 5/9, 16 Sat 11am We will join It Is Written Prophecy Seminar “Hope Awaken” for the following 2 Sabbath Wor- ship(May 9 and 16) Online Prophecy Seminar – Ancient predictions speak to the future of the world 4/17 Fri 7pm ~5/16
May 9 Announcement
Sabbath Worship 5/9, 16 Sat 11am We will join It Is Written Prophecy Seminar “Hope Awaken” for the following 2 Sabbath Wor- ship(May 9 and 16) Online Prophecy Seminar – Ancient predictions speak to the future of the world 4/17 Fri 7pm ~5/16
May 2 Announcement
Online Prophecy Seminar – Ancient predictions speak to the future of the world 4/17 Fri 7pm ~5/16 ALL NATIONS COVID-19 CONTINGENCY PLAN CURRENT STATUS: STAGE 3 March 17-Until further notice Church worship services are moved completely online with the website : Adult Sabbath Schools will be moved to online platforms Zoom(We will keep you posted as...