Readiness Check List for Reopening of Church

The California Department of Public Health (CDPH) and some local counties have already lifted the “Stay-at- home” orders and are allowing our churches to be reopened. The CDPH Guidelines are to be implemented in accordance with approval set forth by local county public health agencies across California. Please review and develop your re-opening plans for your church in accordance with those new Guidelines. The following is a summary of the CDPH document requirements:

o All staff, volunteers and congregates should stay home if sick.
o Limit attendance to 25% of building capacity or a maximum of 100 attendees, whichever is lower. o Physical distancing practices to the maximum extent possible.
o Use of face coverings/masks by staff, volunteers and congregants.
o Frequent handwashing, regular cleaning and disinfection.
o Children should remain in care of their own household members throughout the service.
o No fellowship meals.
o Develop a COVID-19 prevention plan and train your staff and volunteers. o Staff and volunteer screenings.

Strongly Recommended:
o Offering collections should be either by deacons at the back of the church, offering receptacles placed in obvious places in the church, or other methods that do not include passing the offering plate.
o Hold training sessions for church staff and volunteers, emphasizing self-screening and required protective equipment.
o Larger churches may consider multiple services (such as 9 am early service, 10 am online service and 11 am worship service) and may allow families to sign up for their preferred worship time.
o Temperature check upon arrival.
o Prepare a specific disinfection protocol for facilities including plans for cleaning between multiple
o Wash hands upon arrival to church with alcohol-based disinfectant.
o Semi-permanent social distancing marking tape in place.
o Prop or hold doors open during peak periods when congregants/visitors are entering and exiting
o Establish directional hallways and passageways for foot traffic, if possible, and designate separate routes
for entry and exit into meeting rooms, offices, etc., to help maintain physical distancing and lessen the
instances of people closely passing each other.
o Consider limiting the number of people that use the restroom at one time to allow for physical
o Assigned seating. Upon arrival encourage families to sit together.
o Discontinue singing, group recitation, and other practices that may increase the likelihood for transmission of contaminated exhaled droplets.
o Introduce fresh outside air during the services by opening doors/windows (weather permitting). Upgrade building’s air filters to the highest efficiency possible.
o Fellowship Hall, Seminar Room & Mother’s Room closed.
o No in-person Children or Adult Sabbath School classes until further notice.
o No handouts or bulletins are to be distributed. Discourage handshakes and hugs.
o Be dismissed by rows in a slow and orderly fashion, starting from the rear. o Encourage people to continue to worship online.